Wei Wang, Xiangying Ma ,,

EE510VH: VHDL Design

Portland State University, Portland OR
Algorithm Description
Circuit Architecture and Design
Simulation Results
Pipeline Expansion
VHDL Files

1. Algorithm Description

In this project, we design a sorter sorting a sequence of number using the even/odd sorting algorithm shown in Fig. 1. During even sorting, data exchange is only possible between two adjacent registers starting with even numbers. Similarly, during odd sorting, sorting occurs between two adjacent registers starting with odd numbers. After sufficient iteration (it's depend on the input sequence pattern), all numbers are sorted.

2. Circuit Architecture and Design

The circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 2. At this point we only use registers to represent data. (Later on we can implement in memory). Assuming we have 6 4-bit binary numbers, the 6 4-bit registers A-F are used to store the number. Following table lists the signal description.

The state machine design of this sorter is quite straight-forward. We use two group multiplexers to switch the data flow for the even and odd stages. The cycle time of the mux_ctl is 2x the clock period. The done signal detector is composed of 5 4-bit comparators and a 5-input NOR gate, when all 6 numbers are sorted, done raise to high. At the input of those 6 registers, we also use a group of MUX to select between input signal and iterated internal results, the control of this group of MUX is Enable=AND (ready, done), when both input signals are ready and previous numbers are sorted, Enable raises and new group of numbers are fed to registers and start sorting.

3. Simulation Results

Test 1
Test 2

4. Pipeline expansion

This circuit is easily expanded to implement a pipeline structure shown in Fig. 5. For the worst case, 6 stages are needed to get the final result. We build all 6 stages such that after the initial pipeline latency, we can get sorted results at the final stage each clock cycle.

Appendix A: VHDL Program Source Code

4-bit register
1-bit comparator
4-bit comparator
4-bit sorter
4-bit multiplexer
2-input nand gate
3-input nand gate
5-input nor gate