1. Professor James McNames (data mining) and Professor Gary Greenwood (evolutionary computing) join our lab.
  2. Our 1999 proposal to Intel has been funded for $45,000. We will develop undergraduate student laboratory experiments in Intelligent Robotics. Dr. Mishchenko and Professors Daasch and Perkowski become Intel Fellows.
  3. Our 1999 proposal to PSU has been funded for $4,000.
  4. Professor Greenwood works on proteine folding problem in NIH.
  5. Professsor Perkowski presents invited lecture on Logic Design Machine and Data Mining Hardware Machines in Japan.
  6. We organized, for the second time, the Oregon Symposium on Logic, Design and Learning, with participation of Prof. Bernd Steinbach from Germany and Prof. Lech Jozwiak from the Netherlands.
  7. 25 OWI robotic arm kits have been purchased as a base of undergraduate instruction.
  8. Mechanical Engineering Department donates Rhino robot to our lab.
  9. MUVAL's robot naked body appeared build from a plywood box built by Elly Cabelly and hands built by summer high school students. MUVAL has still kind of paralysis in legs and is not very good with his hands. Besides, his brain constantly improved by Alan is not yet connected to low-level control routines developed by Dennis Young. Dennis built also a very nice hardware interface.
  10. A competition for the head of MUVAL has been announced. The first heads are being build by Michael Levy (Bamboo-head), Justin Kam (Professor-head), Mateusz Perkowski (Cinema Robot head), and Laura Jenkins (english kit head). We need names for these heads and we have components for new heads. You are welcome to join. More degrees of freedom for the heads are also planned.