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@everyfooting Author: ensley // Editor: ensley // Texinfo: ensley @| @| 3 December 1994

General I/O Overview

The queuer receives it's information from the interfaces via a named pipe (FIFO). This pipe allows for multiple interfaces to send information to the queuer at the "same time". What is meant here by "same time" is there can be multiple interface processes of different types (email, telnet, etc) running at the same time and when they are ready to submit a search, they can do so as long as the write to the named pipe is done in one write() call. This is necessary because we don't want to mix the data packets. Multiple search requests will remain in the pipe until the queuer removes them and stores them in it's queue. The queue data structure is necessary to handle niceness of search requests. A detailed explanation of the interface-queuer communications can be found in the Chapter titled: Interface-Queuer Communications. The queuer communicates with the Searcher module via a normal pipe set-up by the popen() command that initially spawned the Searcher. This is described in detail in the Chapter titled: Queuer-Searcher Communications.

Data Structure Overview

The main data structure for this module is the Queue. The next item ready to be submitted to the searcher will always be the item on top, but because there is a niceness level for searches, entries must be positioned in the queue relative to other search items and their niceness values. Each item in the Queue must contain the following:

Algorithm Overview

The general algorithm can be outlined as follows:

The queuer loops forever while trying to read from the FIFO. If nothing is in the FIFO it blocks until there is something. When there is something, it queues the request and starts the loop over again, thus building the queue for every request from any interface. When the searcher is ready for another search request, it sends the queuer a SIGUSR1 signal. The queuer catches this and if the queue is not empty, it dequeues an item and gives it to the searcher. If the queuer is empty it keeps track of the request and next time it receives something it will be sure and send this request to the Searcher.

In debug mode, the all actions done by queuer are logged and/or written to standard out and the current queue is printed if the Queuer receives a SIGUSR2 signal.

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