Portland State University
School of Engineering and Computer Science
ECE 510 - Emerging Computing Technologies and Systems
Course Schedule, Spring 2004
Updated February 23, 2004


  1. PROJECT 1.

    TEAM MEMBERS: Martin Lukac.

    TITLE: Quantum Computational Learning Theory.

    TO BE DONE: Excellent literature review with original ideas based on our work how to extend and use the previous work. Use especially your knowledge from previous classes, your previous ideas from Korea, unpublished papers, our discussions and early attempts, wide background of classical Machine Learning and Logic Synthesis theories.

    1. Papers by J.H. Kim et al about quantum-inspired GA.
    2. Papers by Natarayen et al about quantum-inspired NN, GA, etc.
    3. Papers by Ventura on Quantum Associative Memories, Quantum Neural Nets and others.
    4. Paper by Anas Al-Rabadi and G. Lendaris.

  2. PROJECT 2.

    TEAM MEMBERS: Buell John David. Jacob Biamonte. Kiran Nagarajan.

    TITLE: A complete system for testing and fault localization in quantum circuits using Quantum Information Decision Diagrams.

    TO BE DONE: Create a complete system and test it. To be demonstrated in DAC 2005 and other conferences.

    1. paper by Patel.
    2. 2 papers by Viamontes about quantum simulation and QUIDDs.
    3. our paper to ULSI conference.
    4. Our paper to IWLS conference.
    5. OUR SLIDES not ready.

  3. PROJECT 3.

    TEAM MEMBERS: Ping Hang Cheung (team leader), one more person please.

    TITLE: Quantum Braitenberg Vehicles and Quantum Portland Faces.

    TO BE DONE: Create a program to learn behaviors as quantum circuits. Use it for mobile robot Hexor and for humanoid faces. Learning from incomplete examples of probabilistic and entangled behaviors. The role of Ping is especially to help interface to robot as an expert. New person will work mostly on using QUIDDs for larger examples. Both will work on the theory. Quantum Information Decision Diagrams for multiple-valued quantum computing.

    1. Report by previous student Indudhar.
    2. Report by previous student xxx
    3. Book by Braitenberg.
    4. Paper by Lukac et al and his software. Possibly code from Normen Giesecke.

  4. PROJECT 4.

    TEAM MEMBERS: Dipal Shah.

    TITLE: How to combine DMM and PKM methods to synthesize classical binary reversible logic.

    TO BE DONE: DMM method (Dueck, Maslow, Miller) gives always a warranty of a correct circuit but is exponential. PKM method (Perkowski, Khlopotine, Mishchenko) gives good solutions for some functions but totally fails for others. These methods can be combined to give always correct solution, but nearly always better than DMM. Using Simulated Annealing to synthesize quantum circuits. Using randomness. Backtracking strategies.

    1. Report by previous students.
    2. Thesis by Maslov.
    3. Papers by Maslov, Dueck, Miller, Khlopotine, Perkowski, etc.
    4. Textbooks about search algorithms, such as deepening, A* search, breadth first, etc.

  5. PROJECT 5.

    TEAM MEMBERS: Bruce Yen and Phil Tomson. Team leaders.

    TITLE: Comparison of three methods to synthesize ternary reversible cascades.

    TO BE DONE: Compare methods of Nick and Bruce (algorithmic), Bruce and Nick (non-algorithmic), and Erik Curtis (algorithmic). Complete interfaces and programming. Compare experimental results on the same benchmarks. Write an excellent publishable quality report. The goal is journal publication in a top journal. The program should beat all previous programs, especially Curtis, Miller (ISMVL 2004) and Mozammel Khan. This is doable!


    1. Paper by Nick and Bruce from IWLS.
    2. Paper by Bruce and Nick from ULSI.
    3. Report by Huiping and Li Cao.
    4. Paper by Erik Curtis from IWLS.
    5. Papers by Maslov, (DAC, ICCAD).
    6. Papers about search methods.
    7. Notations

    8. Paper about evolutionary approach to ternary circuit synthesis.

    9. Paper by Erik Curtis about ternary reversible cascade synthesis by an algorithm that generalizes DMM approach.

  6. PROJECT 6.

    TEAM MEMBERS: Dyer Richard (?)

    TITLE: Using Evolutionary algorithms (LEM, Lamarckian, Genetic Engineering, etc.) to synthesize quantum circuits.

    TO BE DONE: Use any improvement to classical GA and apply it to the same classes of functions as we did in the past.

    1. Lukac et al paper on GA for binary quantum. This is the starting point.
    2. Mozammel Khan et al paper on GA for ternary. From my 2004 publications webpage.
    3. Publications about LEM (Learnable Evolution Model) by Richard Michalski.
    4. Web Page of Hugo De Garis. Here you will find information about LEM and its use for synthesis of reversible and quantum circuits. Look also to lecture notes for Brain Building class.

  7. PROJECT 7.

    TEAM MEMBERS: Akashdeep Aulakh, Davis Jeffrey Scott. (?)

    TITLE: Using Matrix Decomposition algorithms to synthesize quantum circuits. Use of Wavelet methods.

    TO BE DONE: Analysis of available methods from literature. Analysis of available quantum synthesis software on the internet. What methods are used there? Can we adapt the software from internet (like matrix decomposition packages).

    1. Quantum report. 1.

    2. Quantum report. 12

    3. Quantum wavelets by Andreas.

    4. wavelet-THP04L.pdf

    5. wavelet-quantum-Haar-Grover=0303025.pdf

    6. wavelet-schroedinger-9505013.pdf
    7. quantum-channels-wavelets=0309390.pdf

  8. PROJECT 8.


    TITLE: Using Group Theory and Lee algebra, Clifford Algebra, etc. algorithms to synthesize quantum circuits.

    TO BE DONE: Analysis of available quantum synthesis software on the internet. No programming here. Mostly mathematics.


  9. PROJECT 9.

    TEAM MEMBERS: Cherrie (Ching-Ling) Huang

    TITLE: Error Correction for quantum circuits.

    TO BE DONE: Learn about existing quantum error correction codes. Adapt a classical code that has been not used in quantum yet to a quantum error correcting code. Possibly, use your knowledge of Galois Fields and ESOP.

    1. Read chapter 10 in Chuang and Nielsen book. Pages 425 - 474.

    1. P. Cameron. Easy slides about Quantum Error Correction. For beginners. In PDF format.
    2. G.E.Moorhouse. Quantum Codes. Easy intro slides in PDF format.
    3. Johannes Vrana. Elementary slides on basics of Quantum Error Correction. In PDF format.
    4. Markus Grassl. Quantum Error Correction Codes. Good Intro. In PDF format.
    5. WEB page of Knill.
    6. Advanced Topics in Error Correcting Codes. Slides in PDF format. Good slides on a very advanced topics.
    7. J. Niwa and K. Matsumoto. Simulating the Effects of Quantum Error Correction Schemes. Research Paper in PDF format. A source of good methodology to be used by us.
    8. Literature on quantum error correction experimental work. In PDF format.

  10. PROJECT 10.

    TEAM MEMBERS: Chong Nattaphan (?)

    TITLE: Fault-Tolerant quantum circuits.

    TO BE DONE: Design new fault tolerant quantum gates for gates that were developed or investigated in our group. Compare with fault tolerant quantum gates from literature.

    1. Read chapter 10 in Chuang and Nielsen book. Pages 475 - 495.

    1. Read chapter 10 in Chuang and Nielsen book. Pages 425 - 474. It is not required to remember details. Just get the main ideas about quantum error correcting codes and what to do with them.
    2. Computing with Noisy Quantum Computers. Dorit Aharnov. UC. Berkeley. In PPT format.
    3. Aharonov. Quantum Computation in the presence of noise. In PPT format.
    4. D. Aharonov, M. Ben-Or. Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation with Constant Error. Paper in PDF.

    5. D. Gottesman. Theory of fault-tolerant quantum computation. Paper in PDF format.
    6. Daniel Gottesman. Beyond the DiVincenzo Criteria. Requirements and Desiderata for Fault-Tolerance. PPT slides.

    7. Bartosz Blimke. Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation.
    8. Oskin. A Practical Architecture for Reliable Quantum Computers. Easy to understand overview paper in PDF format.
    9. Semion Saikin. Slides in PPT format about quantum computing and qubit decoherence.
    10. Van Dam et al. Self-testing of Universal and Fault-Tolerant sets of quantum gates. Paper in PDF format.
    11. B.Marthi, M. Whitney. Fault-tolerant Quantum Computing. tutorial in PDF format.
    12. Scribe J Hodges. MIT Lecture 23. Fault-tolerant quantum computation. In PDF format.
    13. Jean Bellissard, Quantum Computing, an Introduction (with fault tolerance discussed). Slides from Georgia Tech in PDF format.
    14. Maxim Raginsky. Scaling and renormalization in fault-tolerant quantum computers. Paper. In PDF format.
    15. Knill, Laflamme and Zurek. Resilient Quantum Computation. Easy to understand paper in PDF format.
    16. Shor. Fault Tolerant Quantum Computation. Important paper by Shor in PDF format.
    17. K.H. Kim. Issues Insufficiently resolved in Century 20 in the Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing Field. A source of great ideas. Discussion paper in PDF format.
    18. Steane. General Theory of Quantum Error Correction and Fault Tolerance. Lectures in PDF format.
    19. Hayes. Short goals of their research.
    20. Isaac Chuang. Threshold for life. Life can be constructed from faulty components. How Faulty? Slides in PPT format. Relations of QC to biology.


    TEAM MEMBERS: Bruce Yen and partner.


    TO BE DONE: Learn and present in class the new revolutionary concepts of Cellular Automata as model of "everything" in our Universe.

    1. Introductory paper by Fredkin about "Digital Philosophy" and "Digital Mechanics". This is your starting point.
    2. DP Publications Webpage
    3. Wolfram's book. Do not read it. Only find relevant examples. This is a great book but to thick to read in one quarter.